Digital Land Survey Services

» Digital topographical survey and cross sections.
» Layout » Demarcation
» Foundation survey » Cadastral survey.
» Irrigation survey. » Tunnel survey. » Contour survey.
» Boundary survey. » Town survey. » Floodplain survey.
» Revenue survey. » Ropeway survey. » Utility detection and mapping.
» Aeronautical survey & study. » GPS survey.
» DGPS map and KML file for FCA and CA Forest Clearance.
» Roads and bridges survey. » Traffic & transportation study.
» Route survey. » Right-of-way survey.
» Geodetic Control survey. » Railway survey. » Dam survey.
» Quantity Survey. » Building survey.
» Transmission line routes (Oil and Gas, Electrical, Water supply, Waste water, Storm water).
» Town planning and urban development.
» Asset / Infrastructure Management.
» Hydrographic survey.

Geographical Information System.

» General consulting.
» Needs assessment.
» Planning and implementation.
» Data development (digitization, parcel mapping, scanning, field collection etc.)
» Data manipulation (coordinate conversion, resolution re-sampling, file format conversion etc.)
» Attribute standardization.
» Geodatabase schemas.
» Data processing and automation.
» Geo processing analysis.
» Network analysis.
» Geo coding / address matching.
» Land cover / land use data development and updates.

Geotechnical Engineering.

» Soil and rock (Geotechnical) investigations.
» In-situ testing, Static Cone Penetration Test, Field Permeability test, Footing and Plate Load Test, Cyclic Plate Load Test, Block Vibration Test etc.
» Design of under –reamed piles.
» Design of large diameter deep bored piles.
» Pile load testing.
» Geophysical testing.
» Load Testing – soil, piles, structures etc.
» Evaluation of Geotechnical failures, developing remedial strengthing measures for existing foundations.

Remote Sensing

» Image processing and analysis.
» Image manipulation (registration, rectification / ortho rectification, color balancing, mosaicking etc.)
» Image interpretation (analog and digital, single and multiband)
» LIDAR surface creation (slope, aspect, contours etc.)
» Multispectral and hyper spectral image analysis.
» Surface assessment.